Ya wanna grow yer home biz faster ‘n bigger than all them other suckas? Then put tha phone down, fire tha telemarketer, ‘n do the simple thing I’m ’bout to lay down fer ya right here.
Listen to this:
One o’ the most amazin’ stats I ever heard ’bout home biz marketin’ ‘n sellin’ is that one good referral customer is worth 15 phone calls.
An’ if ya think ’bout it, that makes sense.
Let me give ya an example why.
Last year I had to get my ride fixed. I was goin’ on a long ass trip ‘n I wanted everythin’ looked at, fixed up, ‘n inspected.
I called someone I knew ‘n he told me ’bout a mechanic who was a friend o’ his family and worked outta his own garage at his home. Everybody in my buddy’s family used this mechanic. Yeah, he was a bit pricey. But he was good, honest ‘n he’d treat me right.
I was sold. I didn’t need to see the guy’s papers or even talk to him on the phone.
I rolled up to his garage, dropped probably $500 more than I woulda somewhere else, ‘n I was happy ’bout it.
Cuz I knew the value I was gettin’.
The price didn’t mean nothin’. The long-ass wait didn’t mean nothin’ (he had a waitin’ list o’ customers wantin’ to use him). The only damn thing that mattered was I knew I was gettin’ good service from someone who wasn’t gonna screw me over.
An’ ya know what?
Since then, I’ve sent that mechanic biz over ‘n over again. ‘N folk I’ve sent to him have sent him biz ‘n so on ‘n so forth.
In fact, I’d guess this mechanic makes a real good livin’ simply cuz he got so many o’ us sellin’ his services fer him.
And that’s the power o’ referral marketin’ fer a home biz.
Nothin’ else comes close. Not only is it cheap (even free), but it produces better customers ‘n quality biz fer years down the road.