For business travelers like you, staying in comfort at a hotel and having access to the room amenities, while waiting to meet your business deals, is a great thing you expect.
During your stay in the hotel, it’s usual that you need to be in connection with businesses outside, so it’s not surprising that you would take advantage of hotel’s facilities or amenities and services. It’s not only relaxing, spacious and well-equipped rooms you look for, but it’s all about the things like computers, in- room high speed internet (we know you love it!), cell phone, cell phone charger, notebook computer batteries, notebook computer batteries, cable TV, good lighting to perform work, and other various business services available that can support and take care of your business work, until you complete the business trip.
Moreover, your business- free time should also be considered.
In late afternoon, evening, or nighttime (if you prefer to stay in your hotel), you will definitely want to kick back in the hotel’s 24-hour restaurant or enjoy a beer or cocktail in café or bar (or coffee lounge). In- house restaurant could be the most favorite dining option. Moreover, for business travelers, shuttle service to and from the airport is supposed to be the most important amenity, followed by childcare facilities, swimming pool and fitness center.
Well, all above seem not enough! Why don’t we go together to see more what to consider when to choose the best hotels for business travel.
Key Features of Best Business Hotels and Business Travel
First of all, it’s about what hotel you look for your business trip.
Hotel Features: The question is whether the hotel has the types of features you need. What kind of hotel you look for: the hotel that suits well your need for the quick overnight stay or the hotel for week- long business trip? Check if the hotel has business suites or meeting rooms available if you need them?
Location: Hotels that are situated near an airport or located in a city’s business district usually cater to business travelers because they can perfectly respond business travelers travel style. Airport hotels rarely offer much on scenery, but they make up for it with convenient location. This feature of airport hotels makes it easier to travel to central district to meet contacted business people or to catch up on business work, or to fly out for short break getaway, and fly back in. But you should check if the airport hotel is really close to the airport.
Furthermore, check if the particular hotel you want to stay is located in a safe part of town. Moreover, it would not be good at all if you find after arrival at the hotel that there is major construction going on in the area around your hotel’s location.
Additionally, it’s good if your selected hotel is located in the city center, where you can expect to explore many more things of the city off your business time (such as the nighttime). However, make sure that you already check the hotel’s location that it’s not too near the club and bar areas where music can make too much of loud noise. Although you want to sample the city nightlife, we hope that you would not spend the whole night listening to the club music downstairs, and being awakened every 20 minutes by the group of partygoers making loud noise. Your business trip next day could be a difficult day.
Internet Access: Most hotels offer Internet access. It can be the business center’s computer, high-speed access in the room, or wireless hotspots. International 5- star hotels for business travelers rather focus even much more on this feature. The hotels will facilitate business travelers up to five or six high- speed Internet terminals for easy access and quick response. Imagine how much a hotel is perfect to have Internet access available everywhere for you, to make sure that business travelers like you never lost in businesses and communication outside. It’s business travel lifestyle!
Quick, Customer Service: Professional hoteliers are in the business of providing good customer service or hospitality. Business hotels make the important distinction of offering good customer service quickly and efficiently, rightly to your needs. Your needs must be met quickly so that you can perform your business deals even more quickly and efficiently as well.
Concierge Service: Not all hotels have a concierge, but if they do, a good concierge can be very helpful. They are there to make your hotel stay extra special, especially if you are during your business stay. They can respond your special request. So, check if the concierge offers the types of extra services you need.
Easy Transportation: Business travelers need to be places on time and with minimal hassle. Best business hotels usually offer transportation shuttles to major business areas, or assist travelers with securing taxis or private cars.
All Effort to Guest Service: Perfect business hotels must allow business traveler like you to focus on your jobs, to make them the most successful. If a guest is in trouble, whatever that can damage his or her business plan, professional hoteliers will put their most and best effort and extra level of service to help their guest go through the problem efficiently. This service marks an excellent business hotel.
Brief Glance at Business Hotel’s Features
– Internet access, preferably free wireless broadband access
– Table and chairs for performing office work
– Bright full spectrum lighting especially near tables, chairs, and beds.
– Free local calls
– In-house notary services
– Free long distance calling over the Internet
– Room service that can provide hot food or coffee at a specified time
– Nice coffee shop in the lobby
– Quick turnaround dry cleaning, pressing, shoe shine
– Beauty Salon with the ability to provide last minute services for business travelers
– Barber shop with the ability to provide last minute services for business travelers
– Massage services
– Gym services that have accessible treadmills, weights, and aerobic classes
– Quietness. Rooms that sound insulated.
– Concierge desk with staff who know how to get things done and make credible recommendations
– Restaurants that have business traveler tables where business travelers can meet each other when they are dining alone.